Artist Spotlight - Ola Omami

{ Ola is wearing the Harley Top and Renata Skirt }

"I met Ola through Fashion Mamas, a group for Mamas in the fashion world. Our connection was instant and one that came with ease & comfort , the kind you feel with friends you’ve known for many years. Maybe it was a combination of both of us coming from foreign countries and trying to make it in this crazy business. She has become one of my closest friends, we are always helping one another make our dreams come true. I love her dearly and excited to feature her on our artist spotlight of the month" - Belinda

{ Ola is wearing the Pippa Dress }

What led you to finding your passion?
I knew I wanted to be a designer since I was 12 or so. Initially I had an absolutist's approach - I wanted to design absolutely everything, like if it's a restaurant - I'd design the space, the plates, the menus, the door handles, the logo and the waiters' aprons, so that customers would be submerged in my aesthetic completely. I'm not sure what triggered this strong and particular sense of knowing what everything should look like, probably has to do with me being a control freak with undiagnosed OCD but to this day I believe my taste is the ultimate good taste and I'm here to share it with as many people as possible :)

What motivates you?
I just know that whatever I'm doing is what I was meant to do here in this life. I have no doubt about the purpose of life when I'm designing a new collection, seeing kids wear it and comment how comfortable it is, parents excited to find something that they love - this is why I'm here. 

{ Ola is wearing the Eden Kaftan }

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
A year or so into managing the brand I remember talking to a friend of mine who's also an incredibly successful serial entrepreneur, complaining I can't afford hiring an assistant in a certain field but at the same time boarderline unable to manage it myself. He listened to all my pros, cons and numbers and said - you can't afford not to hire. And it proved to be absolutely true. I'm not saying hire away no matter what but more often than not learning how to delegate and allocating assets towards an additional hire will make a huge difference for your business's growth.

What’s a book that you couldn’t put down? 
I'm reading 'Dopamine Nation' by Dr. Anna Lembke - it explains the personal and societal price of being ruled by an easy access to the next fix (which can be anything, from social media to food) and how to manage it. Compared to our ancestors, we’re living in a world of opulence and constant access to all resources and remarkable amenities creates a world of opportunities. On the other hand, this way of living turns us into dopamine addicts. We basically can't deal with discomfort but never happy because our dopamine base level gets higher and higher bit by bit. 

{ Ola is wearing Roxie Dress }

How do you practice self love?
Self care rituals are part of my daily routine - I have a whole mini spa at home, from microcurrent device, red light therapy, all the korean sheet masks that I can get my hands on. I'm also trying to get to an actual spa for a session of massage and/or scrub at least once a month. The older I get the higher the maintenance is but I'm also really enjoying it more instead of feeling like it's another chore like it used to be in my 20s. 

What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?
I wish all the wars just ended and people lived in peace and acceptance of everyone who's different from them and embrace these differences. 

In the most recent project we did for a capsule collection called "Light Always Wins" (with all profits donated to the humanitarian efforts in Ukraine) we interviewed kids about ways to resolve conflicts and it really stuck with me what one of the 5 year old girls said - "People who are different from you can teach you things that you didn't know". It's so true, I really wish more adults saw it. 
{ Ola is wearing the Janie Dress }

What’s the piece from your closet do you reach for most?
Dresses and jumpsuits are my jam. Mostly because I'm often suffering from decision fatigue (after all the 100,000 creative and business decisions I have to deal with all day) and don't have the mental resources to match tops to bottoms. One piece is the easiest way to feel super put together and sophisticated. 


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Photos shot on film by Belinda. 

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